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Who am I?

My name is Juan David Fernández. I am a Jackson resident and have lived in the metro for over 19 years. I am working with other community members to document flooding in West Jackson and to connect residents harmed by flooding to national decision-makers.

I need your help.

Who are you?

Have you lost time, money, or anything else due to flooding in West Jackson?


Do you have pictures of flooding in West Jackson?

If you answered yes to either one of these questions, I want to work with you. 


Briefly put

A state agency plans to modify the Pearl River, and these modifications will increase the flood levels of Town Creek and Lynch Creek. The federal government must approve the project before the state agency can access funding for it. Later this spring, the federal government will give the public an opportunity to comment and voice concerns.

The threat of increased flooding is an environmental injustice, and I believe that the project will be rejected if the people harmed by flooding in West Jackson speak out.​

Calm Lake


If you have lost something to flooding…

I want to meet with you. I will record your experiences with flooding and your opinion of current flood risks. I will also introduce you to the government’s public comment process, and I can provide you with help if you want to write your own. The meeting will last no more than 2 hours, and you will receive a $60 stipend for your time. Please contact me if you are interested.

Your experiences and opinions and those of other participants will be summarized in my own public comment. However, any information that can be used to directly identify you will not be released without your consent.

If you have pictures of flooding in West Jackson…

I want to post them online, and I want to publish them in the public comment period. The location in the image must be recognizable. Pictures must have been taken between 2010 and 2022. 

Please contact me if you are interested in participating.

Aerial View of River
Aerial View of River


This work is made possible by funding from Healthy Gulf. Communities along Town Creek and Lynch Creek are part of the Pearl River Watershed, an integral part of the Gulf of Mexico. Healthy Gulf's mission is to "collaborate with and serve communities who love the Gulf of Mexico by providing the research, communications, and coalition-building tools needed to reverse the long pattern of over exploitation of the Gulf’s natural resources." 

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